Playing Cards – the Royal Diamond Pentacles

Here are the latest characters to join my deck of playing cards: Meet the Knight, Queen and King of the Diamond – Pentacle Royal family:

Illustrated playing card

Illustrated playing card

Illustrated playing card

From Tarot to Playing Card …

After working on Nine Lives Tarot for more than 3 years, I found myself with plenty of inspiration to delve deeper and explore the court characters from a different angle. It’s often the way with creative work; while busy with one project, new ideas pop up and lead to more inspiration – Now I find myself thinking of the next deck already … :)

Starting with the original artwork from Nine Lives Tarot, I set about re-drawing each royal (or court) character to match their corresponding playing card suit; where each house has a newly designed clothing label. Because the originals weren’t intended to ‘stand on their heads’ it is quite an involved process to jig-saw, draw and paint the two halves together.

from tarot to playing card illustration

I love the mirror look in playing cards (where almost every card in the deck can be viewed upright from both angles), and despite the time involved, it is fun to do.

Thank you for visiting and take care!

Annette :)



2 thoughts on “Playing Cards – the Royal Diamond Pentacles”

  1. They look really great, and, as you say, the mirror effect just gives them that little ‘extra something’. Can’t wait for the whole deck. The problem could be, however, that people will get so involved looking at the images on the cards that they will forget to concentrate on the game. (I love the Knight…)

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