In with the New and out with the Old

To me, the start of a New Year is a wonderful reminder of The Fool starting out on his or her exciting journey… New beginnings and possibilities are on the horizon and it often seems like the perfect time to take stock of where life is heading, with a varied dose of ‘out with the old, in with the new’…

Sometimes it can be hard to stay focussed in life; there are so many things to finish, keep up with, stay on top of – along with the pressure to fit everything in while leading harmoniously connected lives … How do we do it?

Time to de-clutter and follow the Fool

I have a tendency to keep many irons in the fire, if you do too, then you know that feeling when the scales tip and you find yourself with not enough time to complete or maintain the pile of projects and commitments you set out to do… The good news is that it is possible to identify and banish some of the culprits responsible for eating up time…

The Fool - Nine Lives Tarot - illustrated by Annette Abolins

The ‘to do’ list

When armed with long list of ‘things to do’ – the important stuff has a way of standing out, making it easier to re-order the list based on what needs attending to now.. and what should be placed on the back-burner, or even crossed off the list. It’s amazing how liberating it is to cross things out, it doesn’t matter if it’s DONE or if it’s just leaving the list, get that pen and cross it off… you can even add a few extra things just for the sheer delight of crossing them off! :)

  • Things you feel you ‘should’ do, because you think they are expected of you – maybe the expectations aren’t there?
  • Things that take up more time and energy than they should – if they aren’t urgent or important, maybe reconsider if they belong on the list?
  • Things you take on because of real or imagined outside pressure – time to share the load?
  • Things that take your focus away from the important things in life and give little or nothing in return – time to leave the list?

Another good thing about a ‘list’ is that it can (if you like lists and crossing off) help to see the big picture, while letting you focus on one thing at the time.

With de-cluttering out of the way, there is room to move again. New ideas can flow again, inspired and guided by the curiosity and enthusiasm of The Fool … For me, de-cluttering is never about trying to maintain a clean slate – it is about finding breathing space to start again … and so, a new cycle begins :)

New Year – New Look Website

I recently gave the website a little facelift to celebrate the beginning of the fresh new year… I spend a fair amount of time designing websites and my ‘own’ sites have become my playground, where I explore new designs and play around with code and visual elements. I hope you enjoy the changes as much as I enjoyed making them :)

visit the new home pageNine Lives Tarot

Easy to access information

The new image links on the home page allow you to easily find out more about the deck, the meanings, spreads and more…

visit home page for more informationImage links on Nine Lives Tarot home page

In my last post I shared The Visual Story behind Nine Lives Tarot – the collage image has found a second home on the about page, where I hope it will offer insight into the thought process and making of the deck.

I cherish the lovely emails from everyone who has bought Nine Lives Tarot and dropped me a line or two (or ten) – Thank you! Your feedback means ever so much :) Some of the comments can be found here – and if you would like to add yours, just drop me a line here :)

Take care and thank you for visiting!

Annette :)

2 thoughts on “In with the New and out with the Old”

  1. I do like the changes to your site – they add just that extra layer of clarity. Also, I agree with you completely about ‘to do’ lists – the feeling of being able to cross things off the list is quite unbelievable. I doubt that I would get anything done if I did not have a ‘to do’ list. As well as focusing the mind on what really has to be done, they also give some kind of form to varying lengths of time. Thank you once again for a very informative post.

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