Today’s Card: The Wheel of Fortune

Today…. The Wheel of Fortune sat at the very top of my well shuffled deck. To me, it seems fitting that as we leave summer and begin the autumn months (in this part of the world), we are reminded of how events in our own lives are also destined to be cyclic.

The Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune - Annette Abolins

The challenge is to accept that in order to move forward and grow in life, we have to experience both the good and the bad. If we fully appreciate the highs, we can learn to accept the lows and know that they do not last forever …

Traditional Keywords for the Wheel

  • Cyclic
  • Destiny
  • Consequence
  • Luck
  • Change
  • Turning point
  • Karma

Various states of life are depicted in the card, as she follows the wheel ’round-and-round’. She is on top of the world… then she plunges…, over time she learns that the lows do not have to be utter despair… instead she is encouraged to use this time to reflect, retreat, accept and as much as possible; save her strength for the next phase, where she feels hope reborn and climbs the wheel anew…

In my little booklet of meanings this card says:

The Wheel of Fortune – here to remind you of the cyclic nature (the ups and downs) of life. Enjoy the good times, appreciate them without taking anything for granted. Try to not become discouraged when times are low – as bad times are bound always to change for the better.


2 thoughts on “Today’s Card: The Wheel of Fortune”

  1. That was very good advice: things are cyclic, and, consequently, there are periods when things seem bad or low and periods when when everything is on top. The circle is a very important symbol in nature, the seasons, life itself… It is also a very harmonious ‘shape’; perhaps that is because it is in perfect balance.

    • Thank you Diane for commenting and visiting :) Hopefully, if we are able to accept the cyclic nature of life, it makes it easier to flow with the ups and downs :)

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